Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day +99: Easter

Happy Easter!

There are no coincidences!

I'm exactly +99 days today and it's also Easter. Easter is a day of rebirth, renewal and the beginning of a new life. Going through something traumatic, such as a bone-marrow transplant, this day is symbolic and auspicious. Through my donor, I've been given a new life - a second chance to be with my family and friends. Through Easter, we remember Christ's resurrection from death; through Christ's death we were redeemed and by this resurrection we are given hope and strength. I am not trying to be preachy, but all of these, Easter, +99 days and spring, are bringing a deeper personal meaning to me.

In retrospect, I am beginning to understand that being given a new lease in life, I am more appreciative of every morning I get to see the sunrise, get to be with my husband and family, enjoy sipping a cup of tea even on a grey and rainy day, love the smell the fragrant flowers blooming on our backyard and more.

Coincidence is just a word and it has lost its meaning to me. Tomorrow, you'll better understand why I say that.

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